The Constitution of the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh Pelican Nurses’ League
Scottish Charity Number SC001049
1. The Title of the organisation is ‘The Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh Pelican Nurses’ League’, (herein after referred to as ‘The League’).
With effect from April 2021
2. The Purposes of the League will be:
- to disburse monies in support of members found to be in need by reason of ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage, at the sole discretion of the Executive Committee, whose decision will be final and binding in all respects;
- to promote the advancement of education of Registered Nurses (Adult branch of Nursing) who have worked within NHS Lothian for a minimum of two years, by considering requests for grants from these nurses to enable them to carry out a project designed with a view to improving patient care;
- to promote the advancement of education of Nursing Students training for Registration (Adult branch of Nursing) from Edinburgh Napier University, Queen Margaret University and The University of Edinburgh by considering requests for financial support for their Clinical Elective placement.
- to publish and distribute an annual Journal as a means of sharing information and items of interest to the membership.
In furtherance of these purposes, the League will undertake the following activities:
- keep a Register of all members’ names and addresses in accordance with GDPR
- publish to members an annual Statement of Accounts previously approved by
the Trustees and an independent examiner, signed by the Treasurer not later than
the last day of March in each year; - arrange and hold an Annual General Meeting(AGM) in each year and that not later than the last Saturday in April in any year, and to submit to the Meeting the relevant Statement of Accounts. (Quorum for approval of changes: 2/3 of those members present) The said AGM can be held remotely if circumstances do not permit social gatherings (e.g. as during the 2020/21 pandemic).
3. The qualification for membership of the League will be those Nurses who trained at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh School of Nursing or South Lothian College of Nursing, gaining their Registration or Enrolment, and then completing a year as a Staff Nurse or six months as an Enrolled Nurse at the Royal Infirmary, following which they were awarded their hospital badge, i.e. the Pelican badge, and with effect from the AGM April 2019 to include any nurses who completed their training and registered or enrolled as nurses at the said School of Nursing but were unable to complete their fourth year to receive their Pelican badge. They will be allowed to join as Associate members, will have a vote and be eligible to become Trustees.
4. The Executive Committee will be established to conduct its administration and affairs, and such Committee to be formed of the President, General Secretary, Membership Secretary, Treasurer, Journal Editor, Assistant Secretary (Pelican Award) and a maximum of six other Trustees each of whom will be elected by a vote of the League Members at the AGM, such vote being decided by a simple majority. All Trustees will serve for a period of four years and can be eligible for re-election following a period of one year.
In addition, Advisory Trustees (former Office Bearers) may be co-opted by the Executive Committee as required and can stand down before the four year period if desired.
In the event of a nomination for a successor for a retiring Office Bearer or other Trustee not being forthcoming, the current incumbent may serve for a further period while efforts continue to seek a nominee to take up their position.
- The Executive Committee aforesaid will administer the whole business of the League, and a Quorum will be five Trustees, all being present.
- The Executive Committee shall meet at least twice a year. Extra meetings of the Executive Committee may be called as and when required to deal with business. in compliance with OSCR guidelines Trustees will be asked at each meeting if there are any conflicts of interest between the Charity and the person or organisation that appointed them.
6. Life membership of the League will be subject to a one-time membership fee of Twenty Pounds Sterling (£20.00) payable to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh Pelican Nurses’ League.
7. Each member of the League will be entitled to be furnished with a full copy of the Annual Accounts, along with the Notice convening the Annual General Meeting.
8. Asset Lock and Dissolution clause:
For the avoidance of doubt, no part of the income or property of the League shall (other than in pursuance of the organisation’s charitable purposes) be paid or transferred (directly or indirectly) to the members, either in the course of the organisation’s existence or on dissolution.
In the event of a necessary Dissolution of the League any assets remaining after the satisfaction of any proper debts or liabilities shall be distributed by the Trustees to an organisation or organisations having objects similar to those of the charity.
9. The Constitution hereby created may not be altered or changed in any respect, except by a two-thirds majority of League members present at an Annual General Meeting, or an Extraordinary General Meeting and that subject to twenty-eight days prior notice to all members, with details of such proposals, and notification of the date, time and place of the meeting.
Practice note: On appointment of an Office Bearer, following retirement of the current post holder, it is recommended that the newly retired Office Bearer act as Mentor to the new Office Bearer for a period of one year.
November 2021